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The CTMU and the English language

Not many people comprehend the English language well. For example, words like “utility” and “syntax” are commonly misconstrued in certain contexts. Addedly, you need a deep knowledge of the English language to comprehend the cognitive-theoretic model of the universe (CTMU). Making assumptions on what certain words mean in CTMU literature seems to be a problem for most, however.

Thus, I recommend becoming learned on the English language in whatever way you can (online and academic opportunities for learning may be available to you, for example). Becoming learned will help you properly study things like the CTMU. Further, an English language dictionary may be of use to you in your studies of the CTMU.

Even distinctions between words like “accuracy” and “specificity” can be poorly comprehended in CTMU writings. As such, you need to know word meanings and how to construct meaning from grammatically correct word structures (like sentences and paragraphs).

These are the tools you can get or already have for comprehending what the writers of the CTMU are trying to communicate. As for myself, I am going to college to learn the English language at the college level. I am hoping to attain PhDs in it and mathematics. Accordingly, I myself am in the beginning stages of deeply comprehending the English language. I believe I may be at least ready to begin writing about the CTMU though.

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